the angel sings meaning in English
- I wish i had been there at the savior ' s birth as the angels sang and his glory filled the earth
我希望当救世主诞生,在那天使歌唱和?充满大地时我在现场。 - Thank you for the guarantee that the last page will be good news to every believer as we hear the angels sing ,
感谢您给我们保证,最后的结局充满好消息。天使也要歌唱,阿们。 - The angel sung in the sky of bethlehem : " glory to god in the heights and peace on earth to people loved by god "
天使在白冷天空中歌唱:天主在天受光荣,主爱的人在世享平安。 - I started to cry , but the tears were filled with love and laughter , and then the angels started to sing . jesus , mohammed , god , and i were dancing surrounded by the angels singing
天使们也开始唱歌,耶稣基督穆罕默德我还有上帝,便在天使的歌声陪伴下跳起舞来。 - He goes on in this wonderful chapter and he says , sing to the lord a new song , his praise from the end of the earth . you who go down to the sea and all that is in it , you islands and all who live in them , let the desert and its towns raise their voices . let them give glory to the lord and proclaim his praise . when christ was born the angels sang , glory to god in the highest and on earth peace , goodwill to all . its a time for us to praise god
在这一大堆决定和矛盾中,唯一能使我平静下来的方法,就是明白到,圣诞节是一个私人的时间,与神亲近的私人时间我要用时间来祷告,要用时间去教会,用时间重整我的优次,好使基督能留在圣诞节里?要同在, ?是我神,我是?的仆人,这是圣诞精神要兴起的时间,是我们作好准备的时间,是我们要有私人时间的时间,是我们要有赞美时间的时间。